Otvoreni novi natječaji za područje klastera 5 – Klima, energija i mobilnost

Na temelju radnog programa za razdoblje 2023. – 2024. za područje klastera 5 – Klima, energija i mobilnost, 7. prosinca 2023. godine otvoreni su sljedeći natječaji (s rokom prijave 18. 4. 2024.) za prijavu projektnih prijedloga:
Natječaj: Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-01
Teme i uvjeti prijave objavljeni su na portalu Funding and Tender opportunities, a mogu se pronaći na sljedećim poveznicama:
Advanced sustainable and safe pre-processing technologies for End-of-Life (EoL) battery recycling (Batt4EU Partnership)
Development of technical and business solutions to optimise the circularity, resilience, and sustainability of the European battery value chain (Batt4EU Partnership)
Emerging energy technologies for a climate neutral Europe
Natječaj: Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use HORIZON-CL5-2024-D4-01
Teme i uvjeti prijave objavljeni su na portalu Funding and Tender opportunities, a mogu se pronaći na sljedećim poveznicama:
Alternative heating systems for efficient, flexible and electrified heat generation in industry
Natječaj: Clean and competitive solutions for all transport modes HORIZON-CL5-2024-D5-01
Teme i uvjeti prijave objavljeni su na portalu Funding and Tender opportunities, a mogu se pronaći na sljedećim poveznicama:
Integration and testing of next generation post-800V electric powertrains (2ZERO Partnership)
Advanced battery system integration for next generation vehicles (2ZERO Partnership)
New designs, shapes, functionalities of Light Commercial Vehicles (2ZERO Partnership)
Accelerating climate neutral aviation, minimising non-CO2 emissions
Competitiveness and digital transformation in aviation – advancing further composite aerostructures
Impact monitoring of EU Aviation R&I
Towards a flying testbed for European leadership in aviation
Demonstration of Technologies to minimise underwater noise generated by waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership)
Advanced digitalisation and modelling utilizing operational and other data to support zero emission waterborne transport (ZEWT Partnership)